For everyone’s safety:
- Cloth masks or face coverings will be required on site by all patients (even though we would love to see your smile!)
- Covid-19 screening questions are mandatory for all patients and staff
- All dentists and assistants are required to wear N95’s throughout any aerosol generating procedures (they will look a little different.)
Health Canada approved Medical Gowns for all of our clinicians that are changed for every single appointment
Readily accessible hand sanitizer throughout at 70% or greater alcohol content
New entry procedures:
- Patients will be asked to wait in their vehicles until their appointment time (catch up on your email, listen to tunes.)
- Patients will be asked to use our hand sanitizer upon arrival and exit
- Physical Distancing within the clinics required, whenever possible
- Only patients (and essential caregivers) are permitted inside – no additional family members (might be the only time you have had in weeks)
- Electronic forms are being used for documentation to minimize paper exchange (also good for the planet)
Physical environment:
- We have enhanced are already rigorous cleaning protocols with additional frequent disinfection
- Reception Plexiglass screens are in place (it is still our great reception staff behind there!)
- Magazines, newspapers and toys have been removed from our waiting areas
- Our Smile City slide and playground area will be closed for the time being (we love our play area too, but just not possible right now)
HEPA filtration in each operatory with certified HVAC approval and install
HVAC certified fallow times for operatories. This ensures maximum filtration of air for each operatory to ensure the cleanest air for your appointment
Hours & bookings:
- We will be adjusting our hours to meet patient demand and staff availability throughout this period
- We will be calling all patients who had treatment pending or cancelled and they will be scheduled in based on urgency (and we miss you, so we want to re-connect!)